SHCM President Lin Zaiyong (second from right) meets with the conservatory’s Honorary Professor Elmar Lampson (middle), who is also president of HfMT.
Party Secretary and President Lin Zaiyong of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music met with President Elmar Lampson of Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg (HfMT) and honorary professor of SHCM on May 4.
Lin welcomed Professor Lampson’s visit and briefed him on SHCM’s progress in recent events and school construction. He pointed out that the two schools have enjoyed friendly cooperation over the years and have reaped rich results in the international exchanges.
Lin highlighted SHCM’s wish to build a Chinese music culture center overseas in collaboration with HfMT. Also, based on its advantages in this field, it plans to promote Chinese folk music as well as the interaction between Chinese and foreign music.
Professor Lampson showed interest in the project and would like to see the plan put forward in more details. He also appreciated SHCM’s efforts in several of their previous joint projects.
President Lin invited President Lampson to attend the Dunhuang ancient music concert during the 35th Shanghai Spring International Music Festival.